AT-30xxTR Multiport Repeater
As long as the backbone network is operating correctly, any fault within a
Work Group has no effect on other Work Groups.
Network faults are isolated to a single Work Group and are therefore
easier to find.
Mixing Media
The AT-6870/ AT-6875 MAC layer bridge can also be used to interconnect
networks that use different media.
You may use Thin Ethernet on one channel, and Ethernet on the other
channel. This is not a good enough reason to use a bridge, however, since
inexpensive conversion devices are available. If you do need to install a
bridge and you need to interconnect Thick and Thin Ethernet, the
CentreCOM MAC Layer Bridge can save space and money because it has
built-in Thin Ethernet tranceivers. Figure 8 shows a bridged network
containing Ethernet subnetworks.
Figure 7: A Backbone Network
Figure 8: Mixing Media