Chapter 3
Installation with Windows 95
Installing Network Software and Drivers
Run the CLEAN95 utility on the CardAssistant diskette
before inserting the AT-2450 adapter card in the computer.
1. Turn your computer on and boot into Windows 95. Insert
the ATI CardAssistant diskette into the 3.5" diskette drive.
2. Double-click the computer icon in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen.
3. Double-click the 3.5" diskette icon.
4. Double-click the CLEAN95.EXE icon.
5. Click the Install Drivers button. Check for the message:
“Driver installation successfully completed.” Click the OK
6. Remove the diskette, shutdown Windows 95, power off
your computer, and unplug it.
7. Install the adapter card by following the instructions that
came with your computer. See Chapter 2, “Installing the
Card in a PCI Slot.” Then turn the computer on again.
8. Upon restarting your computer, Windows 95 finds the card
you installed. If prompted by Windows 95, insert the
Windows 95 setup CD-ROM or diskettes.