PanelView Component HMI Terminals
Publication 2711C-IN001H-EN-P - July 2014
Choose a Power Supply
Use a dedicated 24V DC, Class 2 Safety Extra-low Voltage (SELV) or Protective Extra-low Voltage (PELV)
power supply to power each PanelView Component.
PanelView Component devices have nonisolated communication ports. The 24V DC power supply you
choose depends on whether the equipment you are connecting to provides isolation.
The USB port is intended for temporary local programming purposes only and not
intended for permanent connection. If you connect or disconnect the USB cable with power
applied to this module or any device on the USB network, an electrical arc can occur. This could
cause an explosion in hazardous location installations.
Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding.
Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations.
Use a Class 2, Safety Extra-low Voltage (SELV), or Protective Extra-low Voltage
(PELV) power supply as required by local wiring codes for your installation. These power supplies
provide protection so that under normal and single-fault conditions, the voltage between the
conductors, and between conductors and functional earth, does not exceed a safe value.
When you insert or remove connection(s) while power is on, an electrical arc can
occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations.
Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. Repeated
electrical arcing causes excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector.
Worn contacts may create electrical resistance that can affect module operation.
Do not connect directly to line voltage. Line voltage must be supplied by a suitable,
approved isolating transformer or power supply having short circuit capacity not exceeding
100 VA maximum or equivalent.