Industrial 17" CRT Monitor
Publication 6159-5.1
The Bulletin 6159 17" Industrial CRT Monitor is a general purpose
monitor suitable for a wide range of industrial computing applications. It
offers the following features:
Reliable and rugged industrial design
Durable NEMA 4 sealed polycarbonate screen overlay
Versatile multi-sync design (640 x 480 to 1280 x 1024 resolution)
This monitor can display resolutions up to 1280 x 1024.
If you experience unexpected results operating the
monitor at this resolution, verify that the monitor is
operating at 60Hz.
ATTENTION: The equipment described in this
document generates, uses, and emits radio frequency
energy. The equipment has been tested and found to
comply with FCC Rules, Part 15, subpart J, for Class A
computing devices.
The use of non-shielded interface or power cords with
Allen-Bradley industrial monitors is prohibited.
ATTENTION: X-ray emissions from these monitors are
typically about 0.05 mR/hr maximum, well below the 0.5
mR/hr maximum recommended by the US. Department of
Health and Human Resources and specified in "Federal
Performance Standards for Television Receivers", Section
10, Part 1020, Title 21, of the U. S. Code of Regulation
(PL90-620), Vol. 38, No. 198.
These monitors are equipped with X-ray protection
circuits which cause automatic shutdown of the
equipment in case its X-ray emissions begin to approach
Federal limits.