Writing Configuration to and Reading Status from Your Module with a Remote I/O Adapter
Publication 17946.5.2 - May 1996
Decimal Bit
(Octal Bit)
Word 1
Bits 00-14
Channel 1 analog data
- 12bit left justified two's complement number; unused
lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 1
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 1 analog data sign bit.
Word 2
Bits 00-14
Channel 2 analog data
- 12bit left justified two's complement number; unused
lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 2
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 2 analog data sign bit.
Word 3
Bits 00-14
Channel 3 analog data
- 12bit left justified two's complement number; unused
lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 3
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 3 analog data sign bit.
Word 4
Bits 00-03
Multiplex control bits (M
) for individual channels. These bits control the safe
state analog outputs. - Bit 00 corresponds to output channel 0, bit 01
corresponds to output channel 1, and so on.
1 = use words 0, 1, 2 or 3 as directed by channel number n
0 = use words 10, 11, 12 or 13 as directed by channel number n
When bits 0003 are all cleared (0) simultaneously by a communication error or
user choice thru the programmable controller program, word 5 full range and
configure select bits are preserved at their last setting.
Bits 0415
Not used - set to 0.
Bits 00-03
Full range bits (F)
for individual channels - Bit 00 corresponds to output channel
0, bit 01 corresponds to output channel 1, and so on.
Bits 0407
Not used - set to 0.
Word 5
Bits 08-11
Configure select bits (C)
for individual channels - Bit 08 corresponds to output
channel 0, bit 09 corresponds to output channel 1, and so on.
Bits 1215
Not used - set to 0.
Words 6
thru 9
Bits 00-15
Not used - set to 0.
Word 10
Bits 00-14
Channel 0 Safe State analog value
- 12bit left justified two's complement
number; unused lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 10
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 0 Safe State analog data sign bit.
Word 11
Bits 00-14
Channel 1 Safe State analog value
- 12bit left justified two's complement
number; unused lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 11
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 1 Safe State analog data sign bit.
Word 12
Bits 00-14
Channel 2 Safe State analog value
- 12bit left justified two's complement
number; unused lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 12
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 2 Safe State analog data sign bit.
Word 13
Bits 00-14
Channel 3 Safe State analog value
- 12bit left justified two's complement
number; unused lower bits are zero; 420mA uses all 16 bits.
Word 13
Bits 15 (17)
Channel 3 Safe State analog data sign bit.