Allen & Heath
XONE:4D User Guide
Each of the 4 channels can select one of 3 sources: phono, line or soundcard
audio as shown. RIAA phono preamps are available on channels 1, 2 and 3.
These may be changed to line input by resetting an internal jumper link if
required. Level may be adjusted over a +/- 10dB range if the signal reads too high
or low on the channel meters. The 3-band EQ provides a safe amount of boost
but full cut (kill) for dramatic effect. A mic input with level and 2-band EQ routes
direct to the main mix. The DJ cues the mix using headphones. The mix may be
added to the cue’d channel signal to help the DJ synchronise the beat.
The channel signal may be routed direct to the LR mix or through either of the
two analogue filters. These provide the characteristic Allen & Heath analogue
filter sound with combinations of 3 switched bands, swept frequency, resonance
and tap tempo LFO control. The VCA crossfader affects the filter path when
switched in.
Two FX sends are provided. FX1 may be switched pre or post fader, while FX2
is pre fader. The send is typically connected to an effects device or sampler, then
routed back to the mix via one of the two FX return inputs.
The balanced XLR mix output feeds the house sound system. The monitor
output follows the main mix and can provide a booth monitor, alternative zone or
recording feed.
Displays the BPM (beats per minute) of a music track entered manually by tapping
a button in time to the music, or automatically by analysing the signal routed to it.
The signal may be routed from the main mix or from an individual channel via the
pre-fade FX2 mix so that the beat may be calculated and checked before the track
is routed to the mix.
The BPM counter outputs MIDI clock so that a slave device such as a hardware or
software sequencer can be synchronized to the timing of a track playing through
the Xone:4D. To aid synchronization the MIDI clock can be momentarily speeded
up or slowed down by operating the PUSH/PULL lever.
The white artwork on the front panel of the Xone:4D uses a UV reactive layer
and will therefore glow under UV light to improve visibility in low level light