The numeric digits usually vary its length, sometimes without the decimal numbers.
In order to keep a fixed length of data, 0 is added before a number like 001 to indicate 1.
The check-sum may be eliminated. Numbers followed by * , or even * itself is sometimes eliminated.
5-5 Details of GPS data processing
In the EJ-50U, data in the LTXT buffer will be sent out as a beacon. Other than user entered data placed in the
buffer by using the LTXT command, LTXT can be updated automatically with new data received from the GPS
receiver. The following flowchart explains how the LTXT is automatically updated when a line of GPS data is
GPS inputs a line of data
GPSFILTn is empty or the input
Matches one of GPSFILTn data.
The data is one of SONY/SMAIC/$GPGGA/ YES
No No check-sum OK
Analyze GPS data such as date, time,
long, lat. Etc.
Matches GPSTEXT and the initial YES Renews automatically to LTEXT
Data sentence from the GPS?
GPSTEXT is one of $PNTS/$GPGGA GPSTEXT sentence is restructured
/$GPVTG/$GOZDA/$GPRMC? YES and automatically up-dated in LTEXT
It serial-output a line of data when
GPSMON command is ON.
End of process
5-6 GPS related commands
5-6-1: GBAUD commands
Abbrev.: GB default: variable parameter: 4800/9600