Mock return result is not removed and you can use the value for the next Mock setting. You need to
release the change. A change takes effect only after being released.
HTTP 2.0
API Gateway supports HTTP 2.0
API Gateway supports new features of HTTP 2.0, multiplexing, and request header compression.
MultiPlexing: Dependency on multiple connections during concurrent processing and
sending of requests and responses in HTTP 1.x is eliminated. The client and server can divide
an HTTP message into multiple frames independent of each other, send the frames in a
random order, and then recombine them at another end, which avoids unnecessary latency
and improves efficiency. In case of a large amount of requests, the client can use this method
to transmit the request data with only a few connections.
Header compression: As previously mentioned, the header in HTTP 1.X carries much
information and must be resent each time. In HTTP 2.0, the client and server use the
“header table” to trace and save the sent key-value pairs. Same data is not repeatedly sent
in each request and response. The “header table” exists during the connection duration of
HTTP 2.0 and is incrementally updated by both the client and the server. Each new header
key-value pair is either added to the end of the current table or replaces a value in the table,
so as to reduce the data volume of each request.
API Gateway
User Guide for Providers