connected. Security restrictions are implemented, and VPC security issues will not occur.
Security control authorization: Only the owner of the VPC can perform authorization.
Exclusive channel between the API gateway and VPC after authorization: Other persons
cannot use this channel.
Authorization for the port of a certain resource: The gateway does not have the permission
to access other ports or resources.
Configure Mock
A project is usually developed by multiple partners working together. The interdependency among
them may in turn restrict each of them during the process, and mutual misunderstanding may
influence the development progress or even delay the project schedule. Therefore, Mock is generally
used to simulate the return results established early in the project development cycle, so as to reduce
understanding deviation and improve the development efficiency.
API Gateway supports simple configuration in Mock mode.
Configure a Mock
Click API Edition > Basic Backend Definitions to configure the Mock.
Select the Mock mode
You can select Use Mock or Do not Use Mock. If you select Use Mock, the system will
prompt you to confirm the selection.
API Gateway
User Guide for Providers