February 11
, 2019
7. Place the canopy on the valve and attach with the swing bolts.
8. Tighten the bolts alternately with the short valve wrench until snug
(Photo 13).
9. Lift the plug off the valve gate by pulling up the shaft and then open the slide valve
Photo 14).
(Photo 13) (Photo14) (Photo 15)
10. Lower the shaft down to the tapped hole.
11. Using the valve wrench, turn the shaft counter-clockwise until you feel the plug skip over
the leading thread of the hole.
12. Now turn the shaft clockwise and screw the plug in snug
(photo 15)
13. Open the vent on top of the canopy to vent off any gas trapped in the canopy. A continuous
stream of escaping gas indicates that the plug did not enter the hole correctly. In this case
unscrew and reinstall the plug.
14. Undo the swing bolt nuts and remove the canopy, lifting it by its ears.
15. Undo the gate valve chains and remove the valve and its saddle from the pipe.
16. Undo the large setscrew and remove the shaft.
17. Undo the small setscrew and unscrew the plug carrier from the plug. (IMPORTANT – Look
into plug carrier to make sure you are not unscrewing the plug from the pipe).
18. Tighten the plug to the recommended torque with a pipe wrench.
19. Soap test the plug to ensure a gas tight seal has been achieved.