System Configuration
Community Name (Read/Write)
– Defines the SNMP community access string that
has read/write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve
and modify MIB objects. (Maximum length: 23 characters, case sensitive;
Default: private)
Trap Destination (1 to 4)
– Enables recipients (up to four) of SNMP notifications.
Trap Destination IP Address
– Specifies the recipient of SNMP notifications. Enter
the IP address or the host name. (Host Name: 1 to 63 characters, case sensitive)
Trap Destination Community Name
– The community string sent with the
notification operation. (Maximum length: 23 characters, case sensitive;
Default: public)
Engine ID
– Sets the engine identifier for the SNMPv3 agent that resides on the
access point. This engine protects against message replay, delay, and redirection.
The engine ID is also used in combination with user passwords to generate the
security keys for authenticating and encrypting SNMPv3 packets. A default engine
ID is automatically generated that is unique to the access point. (Range: 10 to 64
hexadecimal characters)
If the local engine ID is deleted or changed, all SNMP users will be cleared. All
existing users will need to be re-configured. If you want to change the default
engine ID, change it first before configuring other SNMP v3 parameters.