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VersAlarm™ I/O - USER GUIDE
General Operation
The VersAlarm™ I/O is an alarm panel rated for indoor or outdoor use equipped with audible and visual alarm indication. The
VersAlarm™ I/O is activated by a field installed normally open sensor. A variety of sensors can be used such as a float switch,
pressure switch, or any “dry” type sensor that “closes” during an alarm condition. The applications are not limited to what is
listed in this user guide. Follow all individual instructions for sensors and accessories used with the VersAlarm™ I/O.
The following applications can be found in this user guide: Sump Pit Monitoring, Septic Tank Monitoring, Flood Monitoring, and
Alarm Auxiliary with Auto Dialer.
The diagram below is a typical setup for sump pit monitoring. The VersAlarm™ I/O is mounted on the wall. The pump and alarm
are powered by 230VAC. The WaterSpotter™ probe sensor is connected to the sensor input for high water indication. If water
has not reached the probes, then the top cover of the enclosure will be green. If the probes are partially or fully submerged,
then the top cover of the enclosure will flash red and the buzzer will annunciate. The alarm condition will stay on until the water
level is below the probes. If the silence pushbutton is pressed during an alarm condition, then the top cover of the enclosure will
turn solid red and the buzzer will silence. The silence condition will reset when the probe sensor deactivates. If the alarm is in
silence mode for longer than 24 hours, the alarm will reactivate.
Sump Pit Monitoring
House to Yard
VersAlarm™ I/O
Probe Sensor