Operating Instructions
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Press the power button to switch on the breathalyser.
The breathalyser will warm up until it shows the ‘blow’ sign.
Blow into the mouthpiece in the breathalyser for 4 seconds or until you
hear the unit ‘click’.
The final BAC result will be displayed on the screen for 15 seconds.
To take another breath test, wait at least 3 seconds from when the test
result showed up, then press the power button again before blowing into
the mouthpiece.
Please note:
Holding the power button gives you the total number of uses and the last test results.
The breathalyser will turn off automatically when not in use.
Indication of %BAC
Warm-up Time
Response Time
Use mouthpiece
Sensor Type
Power Supply
Dimensions (mm)
Ambient Conditions
0.000 to 0.200% BAC
+/- 0.005 at 0.050% BAC
5 seconds ~ 4 minutes
Within 10 seconds at 0.10% BAC
Only compatible with AlcoSense® mouthpieces
Large industrial grade fuel cell sensor
2 x AAA alkaline batteries
85g including batteries
105 high x 50 wide x 15 deep
Every 6 months
Australian Standards Requirement: 7 months
Operations: 5 - 40 °C
Storage: 0 - 50 °C