REF: Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual V6
Page 7
© Alcolizer Technology
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Breath alcohol concentration can continue to rise for up to 2 hours after the
cessation of drinking and care should be taken if a result close to the designated
breath alcohol concentration is indicated.
When a high breath alcohol level has been reached, it can take 10 hours or more for
the breath alcohol level to return to zero.
If the test result is above the operational maximum limit, a plus sign (+) after the
result will be displayed.
3.1.1 Cleaning Requirements
We recommend that appropriate PPE be used during the cleaning process eg; gloves
The instrument should be cleaned with a soft cloth and antibacterial spray or anti-
bacterial wipes. It is recommended that the instrument is turned off before cleaning.
The outside of the instrument can be cleaned by wiping it over with a soft moist
cloth followed by a soft dry cloth.
the screen of the instrument can be cleaned by wiping it over with a soft
moist cloth followed by a soft dry cloth.
Ensure the Spigot Inlet is not blocked.
Do not
use alcohol based cleaners.
Do not
use harsh cleaning agents, abrasive cleaning pads or chemicals.
Dispose of mouthpieces after use into a bin, this can be done by easily ‘tapping’ the
mouthpiece on the edge of the bin and it will ‘pop’ off. Ensure gloves and PPE are
used during this process
Testing Types
The HH3 can perform both Mouthpiece and Passive BrAC testing. Mouthpiece testing
provides a BrAC reading in g/210L and Passive testing will display the presence of alcohol in
breath. Following a Passive test that indicates the presence of alcohol, a Mouthpiece test
should then be performed if an accurate BrAC is required.
There are two types of Mouthpieces available for use on the HH3 (refer Figure 3). These are
Spit Trap Non Return Valve Mouthpiece, and
Standard Spigot Locator Mouthpiece.