REF: Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual V6
Page 5
© Alcolizer Technology
Uncontrolled when printed
Battery Charging Port
Figure 1 - User Display, Buttons and Adapter Sockets
Test Key
The Test Key activates selected functions.
Trans reflective (TFT) Mono Graphics Display
Displays the various functions of the device including:
Welcome screen which includes days remaining till next calibration;
Various Test modes (Mouthpiece or Passive, refer paragraph 3.2);
Ready notification;
Blow notification including progress bar; and
Records information.
These and other displays are explained in the Operating Instructions Section.
Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot
The disposable mouthpiece (sample tube) is located on the Mouthpiece Locator which
surrounds the Sample Inlet Spigot (refer Figure 2).
Test Key (
1. Test Key
2. TFT Graphics Display
4. Up and Down Arrow Keys
3. Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot
5. USB Port
6. Battery Charging Port