If there is no client connected to the Hotspot within two minutes, WPS will be deactivated.
Network Settings
Network Selection
To change the current settings, disconnect from the network first.
Automatic: The device will search for available networks automatically. 2G only, LTE Off, LTE On modes in
draw down list.
Manual: Search for an available network manually.
WAN Connection Mode Settings
To change the current settings, disconnect from the network first.
Automatic: The device will automatically connect to the network when it is powered on.
Manual: Connect to the network manually.
You can set the Access Point Name (APN) on this page.
Profile: You can add one or more profile names. Click Add New to add one profile name.
PDP Type: IPv4/IPv6/IPv4&IPv6.
Profile Name: This is where you assign a name to a new profile.
APN: Access Point Name. The APN can contain 0-9 a-z A-Z . - but it can’t start or end with . or -.
Authentication: It is provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Password Authentication Protocol
(PAP) provides a simple method without encryption for the peer to establish its identity using a 2-way hand-
shake. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is used to periodically verify the identify of
the peer using a 3-way handshake.
User Name: Use name is used to obtain authentication from the ISP when the connection is established.
Password: Password is used to obtain authentication from the ISP when the connection is established.
Click “Set as default“ to set this profile as the default profile.
Device Settings
Account Management
You can change your login password on this page.
The password can’t be empty and must contain no more than 32 characters.
The password can contain 0-9 a-z A-Z ! # $ * + , - . % : = ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~
PIN Management
To change the current settings, disconnect from the network first.
You can change the PIN status and the PIN code on this page.
The SIM card will be locked if you’ve entered an incorrect PIN 3 times, and you will have to enter the PIN
unlock code to unlock it.
The PIN code and the PIN unlock code may be offered together with a SIM card. If not, contact your opera-
tor. Change the default PIN code as soon as possible.
Reset Factory Settings:
Click Reset to reset all settings to defaults, and the device will restart automatically.