You must have an E911 address registered with your
account in order to use Wi-Fi Calling. You can register an E911 address
via the myMetro
Android ™ app that is either preinstalled on your
phone, or available for download from the Google Play ™ Store. If you do
not have an Android smartphone, you can call 611 to update the address.
12 Month Limited Warranty
For Warranty information and support, please visit
https://us.alcatelmobile.com/warranty/. You can also call Alcatel
Customer Support at 1-855-368-0829 to request a hard copy of the
Recycling Information
For more information on Electronic Recycling:
1) Visit Alcatel Electronic Recycling Program website at https://
recycling-program/, or
Call Alcatel US Customer Support at 1-855-368-0829.
Battery Recycling (USA & Canada):
Alcatel partners with Call2Recycle
to offer a safe and convenient
battery recycling program. For more information on our Battery
Recycling Program, please visit the USA and Canada website at https://
us.alcatelmobile.com/accessibility-compliance/battery-recycling/ and
Before contacting the service center, here are some instructions to help
you troubleshoot your device:
You are advised to fully charge the battery for optimal operation.