Getting started with the 8378 DECT IP-xBS solution
on OXO
2 Documentation
These documents are all available in the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Business Portal:
Entering the keyword
“xBS” in the Search will allow to retrieve all the documents tagged
with Feature xBS.
OXO documents can be found using the PACK_OXO_CONNECT_3.0_EN_TS:
using the taxonomy excel file TAXO_PACK_OXO_CONNECT_3.0_EN_dd-mm-
filter on the Them
e “Expert Documentation”
then on the Fe
ature “xBS”
then clicking on TDL URL to retrieve the selected document
Documents can be found using the external hypertext links underlined in blue (if not broken
due to a potential change of the document repository). All the external links of this document
are grouped on this page.
[1] OXO Mobility document
[2] DECT, IP-DECT and IP-xBS DECT Engineering rules
and Site Survey Kit Manual
[3] DECT and Wireless LAN networks cohabitation
[4] 8212 DECT handset release note
[5] 8232 DECT handset release note
[6] 8242 DECT handset release note
[7] 8262 DECT handset release note
[9] IP Touch issues
Tools and methods to investigate issues over IP network