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1.7.1 Change the keyboard type
While editing text, you can change the keyboard type to match the language you are writing: AZERTY,
: Open the Android menu.
Language & input Android keyboard Appearance & layout Custom input styles
Select the keypad type (AZERTY, QWERTY, QWERTZ,...).
1.7.2 Delete a character
When editing a text you might have to correct it.
Place the cursor after the text to delete by touching the screen.
Press the delete key of your keyboard.
When you edit a text, you can delete several characters at once.
Place the cursor before the first character to delete and, keeping your finger in contact with
the screen, move to the last character to delete.
Press the delete key of your keyboard.
1.7.3 Write in uppercase
By default, the written characters are in lowercase.
Press this key once.
The next character will be written in uppercase and then you will automatically switch to
Press this key twice.
Uppercase mode is used for all written characters.
To go back to lowercase mode, press the key again.
1.7.4 Write numbers or symbols
Press this key once.
Write numbers or symbols.
To go back to alphabetic mode, press this key.