7.3 Re-use
If your Esprit has been provided to you by your health insurance company and you do not need it any longer, please contact your health
insurer, an Alber representative, or your authorised specialist dealer. Your Esprit can then be easily and efficiently reused.
Before the Esprit is re-used, it should undergo maintenance. The brackets used to attach the Esprit wheels to the wheelchair can be easily
and quickly removed by your authorised specialist dealer or Alber agent and fitted to another wheelchair.
In addition to the cleaning instructions given in chapter 7.1, before re-using the system the push rims and all externally accessible plastic
parts of the Esprit components need to be disinfected. Use only alcohol-based wipe disinfectants approved in your country; see manufac-
turer’s recommendations for exposure time and concentration.
Example: Bacillol AF, exposure time 15 minutes.
7.4 Maintenance
In Germany, the maintenance of medical products is regulated by law in the Medical Device Directive (MPBetreibV), Section 7. According to
this law, maintenance measures, especially inspections and servicing, are required in order to ensure continuous safe and proper operation
of medical products.
Based on our market observations, an interval of two years has proven reasonable for maintenance of our products when used under normal
operating conditions. This guideline value of two years may vary depending on the actual use of the product and the behaviour of the user.
Checking the degree of use and the user behaviour is the responsibility of the operator. In any case, we strongly recommend that you cla-
rify beforehand to what extent the cost of the maintenance work for our products is covered by your health insurance provider, especially
with regard to any existing contracts.
7.5 Disposal
This device, its battery pack and accessories are durable products.
Nevertheless, they may contain substances that are hazardous to the environment if the parts are disposed of in loca-
tions (e.g. landfills) that are not intended for the disposal of such materials according to the applicable statutory regu-
lations for the country in question.
The product is labelled in accordance with the WEEE Directive with a “crossed-out rubbish bin” symbol, reminding you
that it must be recycled.
Please protect the environment and return the product at the end of its service life to your local recycling centre.
As this product is not covered by the regulations of the WEEE Directive in all European countries, please familiarise yourself with the
applicable waste disposal regulations in your country. Alternatively, return the Esprit to your authorised specialist dealer or Alber GmbH for
proper and environmentally sound disposal.
8. Product safety information
All the components of your Esprit have undergone functional tests and extensive inspections. However, in the event of an unforeseeable
impairment in the operation of the Esprit, the following web pages contain prompt and appropriate safety information for customers:
Homepage of Alber (manufacturer of the Esprit)
Homepage of the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices [BfArM]
If corrective measures are necessary, Alber will notify the specialist dealer, who will then contact you.
Product service life
We expect an estimated average service life of five years for this product, provided that the product is used as intended and maintained
and serviced in accordance with all the instructions specified in the operating manual. This service life can be extended by handling, servi-
cing, maintaining and using the product with care and if there are
no technical limitations that arise from further developments in science and technology. However, the service life may also be reduced sig-
nificantly by excessive or improper use. The service life required by the applicable standards does not constitute an additional warranty.
10. Warranty and liability
10.1 Warranty for defects
Alber guarantees that the Esprit is free of defects at the time of delivery. This warranty expires 24 months after the date of delivery of the