1. Before You Leave the Shop
Equipment Checklist
• 7845C (Includes battery and standard antenna.
No transformer or power supply necessary.)
Optional Equipment
May be desired or necessary depending
on job specification or requirements.
• 4229 zone expander (refer to Section 2)
• 7720P AlarmNet programming tool
• 7825-OC outdoor antenna
• Antenna cables
• 7720V2TR 6V DC power pack
Check MicroBurst Coverage Availability
Use job premises zip code to confirm that MicroBurst service is active in
the local cellular network. Check zip code at the AlarmNet web site.
Or call the AlarmNet Technical Assistance Center at
800-222- 6525
Obtain AlarmNet Account Numbers
Contact your providing AlarmNet Central Station or your
local data center to obtain all three of the necessary AlarmNet
account numbers. You will not be able to register the radio
without these numbers.
SUBSCRIBER NUMBER (Four digits, 0-9)
CENTRAL STATION NUMBER (Two hexadecimal digits, 0-9, A-F)
CITY ID NUMBER (Two digits, 0-9)
Section 1. Before You Leave the Shop