1. Note the positions of the configuration jumpers on the back panel of the enclosure and
remove all jumpers. Remove any terminal strips with wiring connected.
2. If the enclosure is installed in a rack, remove the four mounting screws and carefully slide the
unit out of the rack.
3. Remove the six screws holding the enclosure’s top cover in place and remove the top cover.
4. Remove the four 6-32 nuts holding the battery clamp in place (see Figure and remove
the battery clamp, taking care to not damage or disconnect any wiring.
5. If replacing existing batteries, carefully lift each battery, disconnect the fast-on connectors
from the battery, and remove the battery from the enclosure
NOTE - When replacing the batteries, ALL of the batteries in the enclosure should be
replaced at the same time. Ensure the new batteries are all of the same voltage and
AH capacity.
6. Connect and install new batteries, one at a time, as shown in F igure
7. Carefully replace the battery clamp over the battery set. Route the wiring through the slots,
ensuring that no wiring is stressed, pinched, or disconnected.
8. Resecure the clamp with the four 6-32 nuts removed in Step 4.
9. Replace top cover and secure with the six screws removed in Step 3.
10. Carefully replace unit into rack as described in Section 4.1.1 and reconnect all terminal strips
and configuration jumpers.
Rack Mount Battery Enclosure Installation Instructions
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52-342 Rev A.01
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