Terminology Used in this Manual
What is a
Lock Program
(Also called
Lock Programming
). A Lock Program contains the
instructions that a lock uses to perform its various functions. You
can also use DL-Windows (defined below) to create a Lock Pro-
gram on your computer, and then transfer and store the Program
in the circuitry contained inside the lock itself. The Lock Program
is essentially a computer database file that maintains feature set-
tings, schedules, audit trails, etc. Using DL-Windows, Lock Pro-
grams can be created with default information, edited on your PC,
and then sent to (or received from) locks.
Lock Program
consists of 4 areas:
Prox Card Entries
Time Zones
, and
, all defined below:
What are
Prox Card Entries
Because this lock has no keypad through which to enter User
Codes, proximity cards can be added to the Lock Program, allow-
ing entry (the PL3000 to unlock) for valid proximity cards. The
proximity card entries are a part of the Lock Program, and the Lock
Program is stored in the lock circuitry awaiting the Users to present
their programmed proximity cards.
What are
Your lock is designed to support several options and functions.
Using DL-Windows software (the
Programmable Features
dow), you can select the features you wish to activate, such as if
the lock will automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time in the
spring and autumn, or if the lock sounder should be disabled or
Features may only be added via DL-Windows
What is a
Events (recorded lock activities) can be programmed to occur at
certain times. It is these times (for example, “every Tuesday at
5PM”) that are referred to as
. In DL-Windows, you can
use the
screen to create these TimeZones,
and once created, you can link events to these TimeZones.
TimeZones may only be added via DL-Windows
What is a
Your lock can be programmed using DL-Windows to maintain a
schedule in which certain events can occur automatically. For ex-
ample, you can program the lock to allow Groups of Users (with
their User Codes) access ONLY during specific business hours.
With another example, you can program another lock to UNLOCK
at 9am, LOCK at noon for lunch, UNLOCK at 1pm, and LOCK
again at 5pm--every weekday. As you can see, many different
combinations of Schedules can be created to suit the needs of the
Users. First you create
(see above). Next you create
events and link them to your TimeZones (also using the
screen in DL-Windows). When finished, you can
view (in DL-Windows) your schedule in the
Schedule View
Schedules may only be added via DL-Windows
What is a
A User is a person who is authorized to simply use or make certain
programming changes or operate the lock. This User can be any-
one--from a one-time visitor (who will almost certainly have no au-
thority to make changes) to the owner of the building in which the
lock is installed (who will probably wish to have total authority to
make changes). The PL Series locks can hold up to 1999 Users in
its programming memory using DL-Windows, and 1700 with the
Function Cards (see Function Card definition below).
What is a
Programming Level
With other Trilogy locks that possess keypads (such as the
PDL3000, ETPDL, etc.), the Programming Level defines the range
of programming tasks a User is allowed to perform using the key-
pad. However, the PL3000 lock does not include a keypad, and
changes to the PL3000 Lock Program are initiated by the Function
Cards. Therefore, the physical possession of the Function Cards
is the sole factor for determining who can make changes to the
Lock Program.
The Function Cards, once programmed, must
be safeguarded, as they are essential to the security of the
What is a
User Number
User Number
Location Number
User Location = Slot in Lock
User Numbers are used primarily with DL-Windows, and are sig-
nificant within each individual lock only. PL Series locks can hold
up to 1700 proximity cards in its programming memory, which can
be thought of as simply a numbered list from 301 through 2000
(User Numbers 2-300 are not accessible except through DL-
Windows, making the total Users 1999--but only when using DL-
Windows. User Number 1, the Master, is not accessible with the
PL3000). Each entry in the list is represented by a User Number,
and proximity cards can be assigned to ("programmed into") each
location. When a proximity card is assigned to a location, the card
information is stored within the Lock Program. Because Users are
physically given proximity cards, it is convenient to think of each
location as a "User", although technically the User Number is a
location within the Lock Program that holds the proximity card in-
formation. It is easier to simply say "User 297" rather than "
User in possession of the proximity card assigned to the User Lo-
cation number 297
a User is located in this list--their
User Location
--is a
commonly used description of their User Number. Because of
their similarities, a
User Number
User Location
can be used interchangeably. In some DL-Windows
screens, the word "Slot" is also used. All of these terms are meant
to convey the same concept.
User Numbers 1-11 have special programming abilities
Trilogy locks that possess keypads. However, with
the keypad-less PL3000, several differences exist: User Number
1 is disabled, and User Numbers 2-11 possess no special signifi-
cance other than as Basic Users, programmable using DL-
Windows only. In addition, Users 2-11 remain consistent with
other Trilogy locks in that they are unaffected by Entry Delay
changes. (In DL-Windows, Entry Delay is located in the
tab. With other keypad locks, Function 67 is
What is a
With many lock applications, it is convenient for large numbers of
similar Users to be grouped together. Placing Users into Groups
(by assigning them specific User Numbers) allows large numbers
of Users to be controlled all at once rather than individually--saving