Function Card #4
Function Cards 3 through 7 are not recognized by DL-Windows. Therefore, DL-Windows will not send the data for
Function Cards 3-7 to the AL-DTM, nor will the AL-DTM be able to send this Function Card data to the PL3000
lock. Accordingly, Function Cards are designed to be used for limited-use installations where DL-Windows will not
be used. When User Numbers are printed in the Audit log, Function Cards 3-7 will appear as User Numbers
Initiates Removal Of Next Presented Proximity Card
Function Card #4 is used to initiate the remove of previously entered proximity cards.
To use Function
Card #4, you must be in physical possession of all previously entered proximity cards in order to remove
them. If the enrolled card itself is not at hand, Use DL-Windows to remove the selected proximity cards with-
out erasing all programming. If you did not make use of DL-Windows, the only other way to remove the card
from the lock program is to erase all cards and lock programming (described on page 11, Erase All Program-
ming). Erasing all programming then requires re-programming the Function Cards and all new proximity
Delete proximity cards as follows:
1. With all proximity cards to be deleted at hand, present Function Card #4 to the lock. The green LED
will flash continuously (with beeping).
2. Present the first proximity card you wish to delete. When presented, the beeping will momentarily
stop, and the red LED will flash, indicating that the card is deleted from the PL3000. The beeping and
green LED flashing will stop.
3. To delete more cards, begin at to step 1 above.
If a proximity card that is not enrolled in the lock is presented for deletion, the lock will beep 7 times
with 7 red LED flashes, and the deletion sequence (beeping and flashing will stop) and be ready for
If Function Card #4 is presented and 25 seconds pass without a subsequent card presentation, the
lock will automatically end the deletion sequence (beeping and flashing will stop). The lock will again
be ready for use.
Keep track of the enrolled cards and their distribution by using the Record Sheet located on page 25
(remove any deleted proximity cards from the Record Sheet as necessary).
Function Card # 4