84. Business Quick Schedule
7AM-5PM, Monday - Friday
(This Function enabled through keypad only)
; 8 4 ;
[ _ ]
; 8 5 ;
[ _ ]
85. Day Quick Schedule
7AM-5PM, All days
(This Function enabled through keypad only)
; 8 6 ;
[ _ ]
86. Evening Quick Schedule
3PM-1AM, All days
(This Function enabled through keypad only)
; 8 7 ;
[ _ ]
87. Night Quick Schedule
11PM-9AM, All days
(This Function enabled through keypad only)
88. Passage Mode
(Open Time Window)
(This Function enabled through keypad only)
; 8 8 ;
[ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ ]
(Day) (Time)
Functions 88 and 89 allow you to set up a window of time where if any
Group 1
User Code is entered within this window,
Passage Mode will be activated, allowing anyone to enter.
This feature can only be programmed using the lock key-
pad. For additional information, see Group 1 Activated Features on page 28.
For the
enter: 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, 4 for Wednesday, 5 for Thursday, 6 for Friday, 7 for
Saturday, 8 for Monday to Friday, 9 for Saturday and Sunday, and 0 for all days of week.
Enter time of day in 24 hour format (for example, for 2:15 PM, enter 14:15).
Use Function 49 to disable Scheduled Passage Mode.
Scheduled Passage Mode
(Group 1 Activated)
89. Passage Mode
(Close Time Window)
(This Function enabled through keypad only)
; 8 9 ;
[ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ ]
(Day) (Time)
For your convenience, your lock comes pre-programmed with Quick Schedules, which, when programmed, enable Groups for
popular blocks of time. Group members will be enabled during the blocks of time defined below, but will still need to enter their
User Codes into the keypad to unlock the lock.
Group number must be 1-4; enter the number of the Group that is to be enabled for the time specified by the Quick
Schedules below.
These Quick Schedules can
be programmed through the keypad (not through DL-Windows), and existing Quick
will be over-written
by schedules downloaded from DL-Windows. Therefore, after downloading any DL-Windows
schedules, be sure to re-program your Quick Schedules into your Lock Program.
Quick Schedules - Enable Group
Programming Functions (cont'd)
90-91. Reserved