When cameras are added to the views, the video images will appear on the screen after at few
seconds. If several cameras are selected for the same view, the image will be shown in the order
they are set up.
In the top banner of each of the 3 views, the source for the current source will show. Here the
large view shows All, and the two smaller ones show Pen 1 and Pen 2. Next to the source name,
is the icon used to change through the various cameras that are added to the selected source.
Next to the source name, is the icon used to change through the various cameras that are added
to the selected source.
And next to this “rotate” symbol, is the name of the current showing camera.
Here: Camera 1.
In the right part of the top, all sensor information is listed. Temperature, current, depth and
oxygen levels may be selected, and these are set up in the AppCreator.