. If using your PC to format the player, select FAT32 for
OS systems Win 2000 and XP. For Win 98 use FAT16.
If your player says it is full but has not used all the memory space, the player will have
been formatted incorrectly.
MP3 Files.
Most MP3 files are encoded at 128KB/s. If you use certain music software
you may re encode at a lower bit rate (eg 48Kb/s). You will not loose much sound
quality but increase your file count by X 3.
Some WMA files may not play depending upon the format “Play rate”
3) Click “NEXT” to enter
into the next picture.
(4) Click “NEXT” to enter
into the next picture.
(5) Choose “Finish” to finish
setup program. Restart the
PC and you can use the
MP3 player.