32 www.AkuaInks.com
- Akua Intaglio Ink
- Printing plate (plastic or metal) (Akua Printmaking Plate
- Gloves (Nitrile recommended)
- Ink knife
- Ink spreader: matboard, card, dauber,etc.
- Drypoint tools: scribe, roulette, etc.
- Akua Wiping Fabric or tarlatan
Drypoint is an intaglio process, similar to etching, but without the
use of acids. The printmaker scratches directly onto a metal or
plastic plate with a sharp pointed tool such as a drypoint scribe or
The difference between printing with the Pin Press and an etching
press is that the lack of pressure needs to be compensated for by
leaving more ink on the plate when printing with the Pin Press.