EK4e User Manual
2016 © Akua Mobile
3)SIM card
Set up SIM card lock Enter(4-8numbers) PIN to set the lock of SIM.
SIM card PIN (Personal Identification Number) is to prevent unauthorized use of SIM
cards. PIN code provided with SIM. The service provider gives the initial value.
Change a blocked PIN code, you need to open the “SIM Lock “, then go to Change
Password screen, the phone will automatically prompt enter the old PIN code and
asked to enter a new PIN code twice, finally the phone will prompt that change
the code successfully. If you enter the PIN with error for three times, SIM card
codes will be automatically locked, PUK codes is usually supplied with SIM card. If
no, you should go to the service provider for the codes.
If you enter 10 times wrong PUK code, the SIM card will be permanently locked.
4)Data usage
Data usage: set up mobile data traffic limit, flow more than limit will be close mobile
data services.
5) more...
Airplane mode: Touch to open or close.
Default SMS app
Tethering & portable hotspot
2 device
Wallpaper:You can choose the album, wallpapers or video wallpaper set as the default
wallpaper Accessibility
a. Brightness level
Adjust the brightness:
b. Adaptive brightness
optimize brightness level for available light.
c. Sleep
d. Font size:choose font size: small, normal, large or extra large
Sleep: Adjust the delay before the screen automatically locks
2)sound and notification :general, silent,meeting,outdoor
Can view the SD card and cell phone memory usage. Can mount SD card or Erase SD card.
Can choose the default memory.
Boot time that use and each module to use power in general
7)magic thumb