• Check for any abnormal noise or vibration on the
generating set.
• Check if the exhaust system has any leakage.
• Monitor the generating set operation by means of
the gauges on the control panel. Check the engine
temperature and oil pressure by means of the gauges
on the panel. Oil pressure must reach the normal value
10 seconds after the generating set operation.
• Monitor the generating set outlet voltage and fre-
quency by means of the gauges on the panel. Check
the voltage, if the voltage between phases is 400 V. and
between phase and neutral is 230 V, Check that the
frequency at idle is 51 - 52 Hz on generating sets with
mechanical governors
• If an engine block water heater is not available, put
the generating set under load after 10 minute idle run
(manual models). Putting the generating set under load
must be done as follows:
• Set the alternator outlet circuit breaker on the panel
to ON position.
• Set the load circuit beakers (or fuses) on the distribu-
tion panel to ON position one by one.
This way, the generating set cannot be suddenly put
under full load. Otherwise, the engine stalling or alter-
nator winding insulation of formation or burning can
• Balance three phases during the operation. Stop the
engine for check if the tolerances exceed 20%. Be sure
to keep the tolerance among three phases less than
20%. The load for each phase must below the rated
load as well as the current must less than rated current.
Concerning starting the three phases asynchronous
motors, first start the heavy-duty motors, and then
start the light-duty motors.
• Set the alternator outlet circuit breaker on the circuit
to OFF position before stop the generating set.
• Continue to run the unloaded engine for purpose of
cooling for 5 minutes and then stop,
• Never operate the generating set before removing
any fault, if any.
8.1 Connecting to a Building’s Electrical System
If the generating set will be used as alternative to utility
company power, an isolation switch must be installed
to disconnect the utility lines from the building when
the generating set is connected.
Installation must be performed by a qualified electrician
and must comply with all applicable laws and electrical
• Improper connections to a building’s electrical sys-
tem can allow electricity from the generating set to
back feed into utility lines and may cause serious injury
or death to utility company workers or others who
contact the lines. Consult the utility company or a
qualified electrician.
• To prevent electrical shock from faulty appliances,
the generating set must be grounded. Connect the
ground terminal of the generating set with an external
ground source.
• Improper connections to a building’s electrical sys-
tem can allow electricity form the utility company to
back feed into the generating set, which will severely
damage the generating set and may cause fires.
• Be sure that all appliances are in good working condi-
tion before connecting them to the generating set. İfan
appliance begins to operate abnormally, becomes slug-
gish, or stop suddenly, shutoff the engine immediately.
Disconnect the appliance and determine whether the
problem is due to an appliance problem, or overload-
• Use cables of sufficient sizes or current ratings to
connect appliances to the AC terminals.
• Do not connect appliance of frequency and voltage
ratings other than the specified, otherwise the generat-
ing set or appliance damage will result.
• To prevent electrical shock from faulty appliances,
the generating set must be grounded. Connect the
ground terminal of the generating set with an external
ground source.
• Most appliance and electric motors require more
than the rated operating current for start-up. The start-
ing current of the electric motor is 5-7 times higher
than the rated operating current, so the generating set
at best can start those electric motors with40%~50%
of the load capacity of the set.
• An overload will trip the circuit breaker. If this hap-
pens, reduce the electrical load on the circuit. Wait a
few minutes before resetting the circuit breaker.
• Be sure to start the electrical motor at zero load,
after that connect the load.
• Periodical maintenance and adjustment are helpful
for keeping the generating set at good working condi-
tion. Please follow the maintenance schedule to per-
form the maintenance and inspections.
• To prevent from carbon monoxide poisoning, be
sure to shutoff the engine before perform any main-
If the engine is operated at the unventilated or con-
fined place, the exhaust concentration will reach a dan-
gerous level. If the engine must be run for any reason,
be sure the area is well ventilated.
• To avoid burns, let the engine cool before perform
maintenance. Use only genuine parts or their equiva-
lent for maintenance and repair. Parts of lower quality
may damage the engine.