7.Upright standing of the patient
First upright standing of the patient usually takes place at hospital
wards: rehabilitation, neurology, neurosurgery or orthopaedics.
Usually the doctor and physotherapoit are present during the
first trial as some medical problems may accur: loss of
consciouosness, drop of blood pressure, dizziness etc.
Uprigt standing is continued at home by:
specially trained medical personel (rehabilitation specialist,
nurse, trained members of the family)
Standing frame DALMATIAN should be used according
to this instruction. It is neccessary to prepare the patient
and the device prior to every use.
Preparation of the patient
a)Clothes should be light and comfortable, preferably sport-type.
Shoes should be comfortable and well stabilizing the ancle joint (due
to higienic reasons and in order to prevent sores patient body should
be always covered in the places of contact with the upholstery)
b)In case other orthopaedic devices are used (collar, corset, soft
orthopaedics, orthopaedic shoes) it is necessary to put them on prior to
upright standing.
Decision about use of any orthopeadic devices is
always made by the leading doctor.
All drains, catheters itc. Must be secured and protected from damage.
They shouldn’t interupt uprigt standing either.
d) All exercisse must be done in presence of qualified people.