L-l. The information and circuit diagrams Jn Ihis documeaic are presented as examples of clJ&pLay applications.
and an? nol Liu ended lo be? Incorporated Ln devices for actual use. Also. FU JITSU H ITA C H I PLASM A
DISPLAY Is unable to assume? responsibility J"i u itrLi igeanent
any patent rights or oilier rights ■
■! 11 did
pardos arising from die? use of Ihis inform ational' drcult diagrams.
L j . [J li i iy pr> ■: 1
ids d esoilx d in this document repre-sei
1 goods or te'dun ilogles subject co c orI aJi i resc ric c i' -i is c.'i i
ox| b i t i ii ider a
> i if li ppLLc a I
.-h. ■
laws or reu.ii latlons. tlie j >i Ji ir an IJ n: Miza I Jc.-i i by sue 1
applicable ■
n i n iei
■.\ JJJ be required tbt expcac of ttiose products.
16.PDP moduli? uses semiconductor devices Because semiconductor devices are particularly susceptible lo
damage by starlc electricity! you must lake die following precautions when transporting. delivering. or
I lat i-.UJ 11;4 IJ i '
1 1
n* 'di. i L ■
E ilii nil ia I e sr a I!■. l> idv fleer riclt y by llu ■
l iso i if iJi i^-> ■
a- brae i 'le ts c oi
- i ed co grc >und
through high resistance I- -n c lie level nj 1 MG). Wearing of conductive clodilng unci si bos. use c.J conductive
floor mats and other measures In minimize she.-k loads L^ recommended. Ground all fixtures unci
Ji i^c r ci n iei
1 s. oi | Mur eel w ll h anc 1-st a I !■. i u- a v il> s . Also. w l iof
I ra
is pore Li ig ■
ir c li
\ i \
er Li ig Uic-1 ^1
n >:id c de.
always pul Jc Jn an and-staric bag.
L7. When 1 ligli-vnliagf? d iarg.es exist close ro PDP module. d K .Iiarg.es can cause abnormal operacJori In sucli
cases, c iso ai
1 l-sc a IJ-. n leas ci res or p
-i ■
ssij ig to | a'ov
dlv. I targes.
IS. Exposure lo corrosive'gases (e.g In che case1 material contalnli ig sulphur compound Ls used Ln llirs e r or tlie
■>oc is used Ln llu- coastal area) or contact w llh oil may Lead lo dn -mJcaJ reacrlons rhar w ill adversely affecc
rhe device It ycru use PDP module1 in
ti conditions. consldei ways In prevent such oxposurooi In prole* c
rhe PDP module..
PDP module
nol designed for eiivijonm ents involving exposure to radiation oi cosmic radiation. Users
si ii ic d'.l provide ■
si ii< 'Idl
^ as a |i |ii ■
-| at ale'
PDP module uses plastLc molded d f \ rlces. However lluese devices an? flammabLc. and llDerefore sliodd
be used near combusrible' substances, ll de?vLce?s be«in r-.- smoke? on- Imrn. IJicr».■
1^ danger of die i clease r.-l
to x if ^ is e s .
The f ’.onimended operatldigconditions are re'f|iLlrc'd in cadei C" ensuie llu - normal operation c.J rhe PDP
module PDP module's electrical c liaracleristlcs m e warranted when che m r.duli-11, operated w ithin these
ranges. AMayi; use PDP modulr w ith in Hue'Ll' recommended opei'atlJig condition ranges. Operation outside?
these range?s may ucKer^ ly a lk ’ r re lia blllly and coidd result Ln module'failure-
E !lecl n ides on a
s u face? of the PDP module and PCB are? conneded by flesibli ■
cable TJk refca e. do noc
JullLv c cxeessLve sldi'ss
llu- ^lus^ sui’face. PCB. and nexlbJe- cable?, su d i l ^ sliock, vlhiarlon. bending.
lie?at-shock. pressing, ca' striking. TI icse actions could break oa‘ damage to PDP module
The? contents of IJiLv dodnnecil are desdibe?d Lt.r lite? produce wlch llu- JnlllaJ parameter setting lh
■^1 upi iii.nc. u llu re L^ i ic.' ^ r < Jn 1
u ,-c L. e.
24.T1 ic ^Iliss surface t.-l die display is cleaned up before' sliippbig. but ll then? is fine? dust et c. plrase uh- this
proe I ut c ai l ■. r rc-i jk ™ li i^.
iei l n is i leeded I o de a
llu ■
^c ir I li-. e of the?
padirl in ll u ■
ci isl on ler dr ic r- ■
ai iy
dust and dirt, please use
d o lli w ith decergenl Lo wipe them ■
-JL' nn-.l do
h o c
use rhe chemicals like add.
alkali and organic solvent..
6 0 / 7 3
Summary of Contents for PDP4225M
Page 14: ...Block Diagram MAIN AUDIO BOARD 12 73...
Page 16: ......
Page 18: ...15 73...
Page 19: ...16 73...
Page 20: ...17 73...
Page 21: ...18 73...
Page 24: ...21 73...
Page 27: ...24 73...
Page 28: ...25 73...
Page 29: ...Audio Board BH M CH 05 06 14 sch 1 Tue Aug 16 22 15 14 2005 26 73...
Page 30: ...DUBHE OSD Ver1 1 NAKS sch 1 Mon Oct 1B 11 47 11 2004 27 73...
Page 33: ......
Page 34: ...Main Video Main Power Supple____ Sub Power Supple EMI F ilter AC Intel Audio 30 73...
Page 70: ...ifl Z 2 3 2 PANEL DATASHEET...
Page 71: ...3 W Hc jn hB D i n I...