Product Specification
General Description
The PW181 ImageProcessor is a highly integrated
“system-on-a-chip” that interfaces computer graphics and
video inputs in virtually any format to a fixed-frequency flat
panel display.
Computer and video images from NTSC/PAL to WUXGA
at virtually any refresh rate can be resized to fit on a fixed-
frequency target display device with any resolution up to
WUXGA. Video data from 4:3 aspect ratio NTSC or PAL
and 16:9 aspect ratio HDTV or SDTV is supported. Multi
region, nonlinear scaling allows these inputs to be resized
optimally for the native resolution of the display.
Advanced scaling techniques are supported, such as
format conversion using multiple programmable regions.
Three independent image scalers coupled with frame
locking circuitry and dual programmable color lookup
tables create sharp images in multiple windows, without
user intervention.
Embedded SDRAM frame buffers and memory controllers
perform frame rate conversion and enhanced video
processing completely on-chip. A separate memory is
dedicated to storage of on-screen display images and
CPU general purpose use.
Advanced video processing techniques are supported
using the internal frame buffer, including motion adaptive,
temporal deinterlacing with film mode detection. When
used in combination with the new third-generation scaler,
this advanced video processing technology delivers the
highest quality video for advanced displays.
Both input ports support integrated DVI 1.0 content
protection using standard DVI receivers.
A new advanced OSD Generator with more colors and
larger sizes supports more demanding OSD applications,
such as on-screen programming guides. When coupled
with the new, faster, integrated microprocessor, this OSD
Generator supports advanced OSD animation techniques.
Programmable features include the user interface, custom
start-up screen, all automatic imaging features, and
special screen effects.
V id e o
In p u t
S ignal
TV Tuner
S ig n a l
C om p u te r
C om p u te r
j TV Tuner j
V id e o
In p u t
P W 181
Dis p lay
r 1
PW181 System Block Diagram
• T hird -g e n e ra tio n , tw o -d im e n s io n a l filtering te c h n iq u e s
• T h ird -g e n e ra tio n , ad va n ce d scaling te c h n iq u e s
• S e c o n d -g e n e ra tio n A u to m a tic Im a g e O p tim iz a tio n
• F ra m e rate con version
• V id e o p ro ce ssin g
• O n-S cree n D ispla y (O S D )
• O n-chip m ic ro p ro c e s s o r
• JT A G d e b u g g e r and bo u n d a ry scan
• P ic tu re -in -p ic tu re (PIP)
• M ulti-region , n o n -lin e a r scaling
• H a rdw a re 2-w ire serial bus s up po rt
• M u ltim e d ia D isplays
• P la s m a D isplays
• Digital Television
Up to XGA Displays
352 PBGA
Up to UXGA Displays
8100 SW Nyberg Road
Tualatin, OR 97062 USA
Telephone: 503.454.1750
FAX: 503.612.0848
3 5
7 3
Summary of Contents for PDP4225M
Page 14: ...Block Diagram MAIN AUDIO BOARD 12 73...
Page 16: ......
Page 18: ...15 73...
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Page 24: ...21 73...
Page 27: ...24 73...
Page 28: ...25 73...
Page 29: ...Audio Board BH M CH 05 06 14 sch 1 Tue Aug 16 22 15 14 2005 26 73...
Page 30: ...DUBHE OSD Ver1 1 NAKS sch 1 Mon Oct 1B 11 47 11 2004 27 73...
Page 33: ......
Page 34: ...Main Video Main Power Supple____ Sub Power Supple EMI F ilter AC Intel Audio 30 73...
Page 70: ...ifl Z 2 3 2 PANEL DATASHEET...
Page 71: ...3 W Hc jn hB D i n I...