The latest DirectX executable is available from the Microsoft website at http://
To install DirectX 9.0c, you can run the dxsetup program in the DirectX9 folder on the
Xena CD.
DirectX9 is a system component that cannot be uninstalled.
Downloading and
Installing Software
From The AJA
In addition to installing from the supplied AJA CD, you can also obtain the latest software
release directly from the AJA website. Simply run a browser on your PC and enter the
following web address (URL):
On the web page you’ll see a list of software archives. Find the one that matches XenaHS
and click on the link. The XenaHS uses the XenaHD driver, so at the time this manual was
written, the link was:
This will download the .ZIP archive file to your PC. Once downloaded, expand the archive
using your favorite .ZIP utility (e.g. WinZip or the equivalent). The expanded archive
folder contains the same files as found on the CD; to start the installer, run the “install.exe”
file. To install the driver, follow the instructions given in the
Windows Plug-and-Play Driver
topic presented earlier in this manual; after pressing “
Have Disk
..” as directed
there, select the “
Xena Driver
” folder from the expanded archive.
Read the following troubleshooting topics in the event you experience problems after
installation. Look for a subject discussing the problem you found. If you don’t find your
problem listed here, contact the dealer where you purchased the Xena card for specific
problem resolution.
Driver Has Not Loaded
You can determine that the Xena_HD.sys driver hasn't loaded correctly by looking in the
Event Viewer or Device Manager. Also, the Control Panel will dim the dialog choices if it
cannot communicate with the driver.
PCI slot Compatibility
If the Xena card does not seem to be working, check whether the board is plugged into a
compatible PCI slot. (See the
topic presented at the beginning of this
manual.) Check to see if there are two different types of PCI slots on your motherboard
(32-bit / 64-bit), and try it in the other type of slot. Some motherboards may supply both
5.0 v and 3.3 v power to some slots, but not to others.