1. EJECT mode
Step No.
Setting method
Test mode EJECT status
Pressing STOP button will return to step 1 from each other step.
Press SP/LP button
Press SP/LP button
Press SP/LP button
Press SP/LP button
Press REC START and Edit buttons
Press REC SEL button
Playback power output status
Recording power output status
Recording power output status (4x speed)
Special mode unnecessary for adjustment: Move to
another mode quickly (pressing CD STOP button
will return to step 2)
To TEMP setting in EEPROM setting
(see EEPROM TEMP setting)
To CONTROL setting in EEPROM setting
(see EEPROM CONTROL setting)
[ _ _ _ _ _ E J E C T _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ p p w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ r p w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ r p w 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ x p w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
Normally, IC401 pin 3 will be as follows:
Playback power output [ppw] : Approx. 0.2 V DC
Recording power output [rpw] : Approx. 1.8 V DC
Recording power (4x) [rpw4] : Approx. 2.0 V DC
Checking pickup laser power:
Laser power during recording and playback can be checked on laser power meter. However, since there is unevenness in measurement on
laser power meter, only check the values. If the reading on laser power meter greatly drifts from the specified value, replace the pickup.
Reference values (at room temperature 25
During playback (ppw)
: 0.72
0.1 mW
During recording (rpw)
: 5.5
0.5 mW
During recording (x4) (rpw4) : 6.1
0.6 mW
Caution: Take great care not to look directly at laser light: Doing so could damage your eye.
Checking pickup laser current:
Measure the pickup laser current and use the measured value for reference to find out the life end of pickup.
• Measure the voltage across R1101 (1 ohm: (A) and (B) in circuit diagram) in the recording (rpw) mode, and convert it to a current value.
• If the measured value is +20% - +25% of the number in label on pickup unit (29) ( in mA units shown in label below), the pickup
may be damaged.
Optical pickup(29)
Enlarged view of label