Fluid Circulation Pump
250-D03 Diesel Series Service Manual
REV 220302
p. 88
Burner Maintenance
Step 13: Reconnect the Fuel Lines
Align the fuel lines on the diesel burner with the fittings on the Aqua-Hot. Using a
” wrench, tighten down both the
supply and return fuel fittings.
Be sure to remove the clamps off of the fuel supply and
return lines at the ports on top of the Aqua-Hot prior to
starting the diesel burner or serious damage will occur to
the diesel burner’s fuel pump�
Step 14: Plug in the Diesel Burner’s Controller and Mount
1. Locate the diesel burner’s controller and connect both plugs.
Figure 153
Figure 154
The diesel burner’s controller might have to be mounted onto the side of the diesel burner before
the plugs are inserted into the controller, otherwise it might not be possible to mount the controller.
Figure 156
Figure 155
Diesel Burner Controller
Be sure to re-install the fuel lines properly. The
fuel ports on a D03 product are reversed from the
previous D01 products.
Diesel Fuel Return
Diesel Fuel Supply
Reconnect both Diesel
Burner Controller Plugs