Operating the LCD
Operational Flowchart
125-DN1 Service Manual
REV 220421
125-DN1 Service Manual
REV 220421
p. 11
p. 10
Operational Flow Chart
A heat source is selected from
Interior Control Panel
Electric Element
External Diesel Burner
Electric Heating Element
will activate, providing
heat to the antifreeze and
water heating solution
within the boiler tank
The diesel burner will
begin providing heat to the
antifreeze and water heating
solution present within the
boiler tank.
The antifreeze and water
heating solution in the boiler
tank heats to 180°F by the
electric heating element and/
or external diesel burner.
An Interior Zone
Thermostat Calls
for Heat
A hot water faucet opens,
signaling a need for heat to the
boiler tank
The fluid circulation pump
activates and begins circulating
the heated antifreeze and water
solution throughout the interior
heating zone
The heating zone
fans activate
Heat is transferred to the
vehicle interior via the heat
The cooled antifreeze
is returned to the boiler
tank to be reheated.
Hot water flows from the water
Heat is transferred to the
domestic hot water system
Operating the LCD
This document will outline the basic operating instructions
for the Aqua-Hot LCD Screen.
Climate Pages:
The climate pages are for most intents and purposes the
“Home” of the LCD screen. From here, the end-user will select
their interior temperature set-points, activate or deactivate the
diesel burner, and the electric element
Zone Control (1):
Precise zone control display will differ depending on the type of
zone thermostats used within the coach.
Section 1A demonstrates the appearance of the zone control
section when ON/OFF thermostats are used within the coach.
In this use-case, the buttons on-screen serve only as ON/OFF
toggle switches.
Tapping on one of the zones shown above will display a new
screen where the interior temperature can be set.
Section A:
This section shows the current zone
temperature (shown as 71°F in the example
to the bottom left) as well as a button to turn
the zone on or off
If the zone temperature is set, but this item
is not set to ON, the zone heat exchanger will
not activate.
Section B:
These arrows are used to increase or decrease
the desired set-point temperature of the zone
Section C:
After the desired temperature set-point has
been selected tap “SET” on the LCD to set
that temperature. The Aqua-Hot will now work
to maintain this interior temperature, and the
screen will return home.
External Diesel Burner Activation (2):
The Diesel Burner can be activated by tapping on the burner
item on-screen. The burner has two modes; ON and OFF.
While ON, the diesel burner will work to
maintain a tank temperature of 180°F, with a
minimum tank temperature of 160° F.
While off, the diesel burner will not serve to
provide any heat to the boiler of the Aqua-Hot