Revision B • 7/00
2 Installation
The On, Off, Cough and Talkback inputs allow
remote mic panel switches to control the Input
module through active low logic signals (pull to
ground). To enable these inputs jumper the Exter-
nal Control In (+) connection to +5 Logic.
The Audio Reset and Ready inputs can use ei-
ther active low logic (pull to ground) or active high
logic (pull to +VDC) from peripheral devices. With
active high logic, Ready (-) and Audio Reset (-)
are tied to logic ground on the peripheral device.
Ready (+) and Audio Reset (+) then connect to
the appropriate logic outputs on the peripheral
When active low logic is used by the peripheral
device, Ready (+) and Audio Reset (+) connect to
the logic supply voltage on the peripheral device,
and Ready (-) and Audio Reset (-) connect to the
appropriate logic outputs.
In normal operation the +5 Logic supply is
turned off when the interface is not enabled for
the input selected. Circuit board pads E1 and E2
can be jumpered to 5 Logic voltage at all
times for special applications.
AirWave Digital Quick Logic Guides
Pages 13 through 16 offer quick guides to con-
figuring the console logic. Page 13 contains an Air-
Wave Digital Logic Interface Glossary, Logic Set-
tings switch definitions and a copy of the simpli-
fied logic schematic from the previous page. Pages
14, 15 and 16 show connection diagrams for a
Guest Panel (remote mic panel), a CD player and
a digital delivery system, respectively.
To completely isolate the console from a
peripheral device, use only the control input and
output connections. These are decoupled from the
console’s ground and power supply through opto-
isolator devices.
The Logic Ground and +5 Logic connections
are referenced to the console’s logic power supply
and ground. Connect these only to a peripheral
device with isolated logic connections or to a Guest
Panel. Connecting these to a non-isolated periph-
eral device can result in a ground loop between
the console and the peripheral.
Input Module Logic and Microphones
The two main functions of microphone logic are
to automatically mute the monitor speakers in the
room with the “hot” mic and to command the ap-
propriate hot mic warning light.
The warning commands come from the Moni-
tor module, but it is the first four Logic Settings
switches on each Input module that tell the moni-
tor module whether the A and/or B input is a con-
trol room or a studio microphone.
Page 14 summarizes setting up an Input mod-
ule as a microphone input. To activate the Guest
Panel logic functions, turn on Logic Settings switch
7 and set switch 8 for the appropriate A or B in-
put. To enable the remote control inputs (On, Off,
Cough, Talkback), jumper External Control In (+)
to +5 Logic on the logic connector.
Momentary SPST switches are used to construct
a remote mic control panel like that shown above.
Connect one side of each control panel switch to
the appropriate logic connector pin. Common the
other side of each switch (Switch Common on the
control panel illustration) to Logic Ground.
Guest Panel, Simplified Schematic
for 99-949-1 or -2
1 +5 V
2 Talkback Switch
3 Talkback Lamp
4 Cough Switch
5 Cough Lamp
6 On Switch
7 On Lamp
8 Off Switch
9 Off Lamp
10 Switch Common