Speck Screen
The home screen displays current fine particle levels in either counts (particles per
liter; ppl) or estimated weight (micrograms per cubic meter; μg/m
). To switch between
units, simply tap the center of the screen.
Fine Particle Level
Color Coding
Current Fine Particle Level
Historical Data Button
Press Once for 12-Hr View;
Twice for 1-Hr View
Screen Dimmer Button;
Press and Hold to Turn Off
If the Speck detects fine particle levels in the ‘Elevated’ range or higher for 15 consecutive
minutes (or more) during the past 12 hours, it will display an exclamation point alert.
Fine Particle Level Rating
Fine Particle Level Indicator
Unit of Measurement for Fine
Particle Level: ‘C’ indicates ppl;
‘W’ indicates μg/m
Wi-Fi Connection Indicator
• Run the Speck for a week to get a
baseline for your indoor area
• Move the Speck from room to room to
identify problem areas
• Investigate sources of fine particles: what
is going on around you when the air
quality changes?
• Involve friends and neighbors in your air
quality explorations
• Experiment to find solutions: try
opening/closing windows, cleaning
filters, etc. and see what happens
• Discuss your findings with local
environmental/citizen groups
• Share your stories with our Speck
community: #SpeckSensor
Quick Tips