Clever can be managed externally using:
Digital/Analogic entrances
or by via Modbus RTU
Although you send wrong orders to the equipment, the unit will not allow combinations that can damage the
internal components. The internal PCB has instructions to run the unit safety. For example, if you order to
electrical heated air curtain go to 3
heating stage and 1
ventilation speed, it will allow go to air speed 1 but
heating will work at 1
stage only (maximum allowed heating stage for first ventilation).
If you stop the ventilation, the heating will also stop except:
Anti-freezing sensor signal
Minimum voltage for 0-10V proportional valves (avoid freezing)
The minimum and maximum parameters (door open and door close) will be also respected. For instance, you
define that maximum speed when the door is closed should be the 2
. Then if you order the 3
speed and door closes, it will change from 3
to 2
. If you open again the door it will go to the 3
OFF Unit: Digital IN - DIN2 (free voltage, dry contact)
Digital/Analogic entrances:
Clever has several digital IN and analogic IN to modify the functioning of the unit.
At the wiring diagrams (beginning of this manual) you can see the default functions of each entrance. There
are more functions than entrances, so you can select the most appropriate to cover your needs (advanced
All digital IN are NO (Normally Open), but you can change to NC (Normally Closed) at advanced menu.
For example, here some default functions for air curtains:
OFF Heating: Digital IN - DIN3 (free voltage, dry contact)
Temperature SET: Analog IN 0-10V (IN1)
0V 0-0,2V Do not modify the control setting
1V 0,3-1,2V = 19ºC
2V 1,3-2,2V = 20ºC
3V 2,3-3,2V = 21ºC 4V 3,3-4,2V = 22ºC
5V 4,3-5,2V = 23ºC 6V 5,3-6,2V = 24ºC 7V 6,3-7,2V = 25ºC 8V 7,3-8,2V = 26ºC
9V 8,3-9,2V = 27ºC 10V 9,3-10,2V = 28ºC
Ventilation Speed: Analog IN 0-10V (IN2)
If 5 speed air curtain, then:
0V 0-0,2V Do not modifies the control setting
2V 0,3-2,2V = Fan Speed 1
4V 2,3-4,2V = Fan Speed 2
6V 4,3-6,2V = Fan Speed 3
8V 6,3-8,2V = Fan Speed 4
10V 8,3-10,2V = Fan Speed 5
Heating Stage: Analog IN 0-10V - By default there is no entrance, but you can assign an entrance at
advanced menu.
All those orders given by digital/analogic inputs have priority to the programs functioning.
For instance, if the program is running at maximum speed but you send 6V to (IN2), the unit will change to fan
speed 3. It doesn’t matter if the program conditions would change
At this solution there is only 1 manager because all orders from BMS goes to the TFT and then to the Clever