1. Power on / off
On : Holding down on/off switch for 2 seconds, LED lamp
would be flashed red and green alternately. When LCD
window is lighted, it is Okay.
Off : Holding down on/off switch for 2 seconds, LED Lamp
will be flashed red and green alternately. When LCD window
light goes off, it is Okay.
2. Audio Volume Control
Audio volume is increasedwhen rotating volume switch
Audio volume is decreased when rotating the volume
switch counter-clock.
3. Channel
Possible to channel selection when rotating volume knob
clockwise or counter clock wise while holding down
Function switch.
4. Transmit:
Hold down the PTT Button
and talk into the MIC at
1-2 in distance. The LED lights red on transmitting.
Release the PTT button
to receive.
5. Receive:
Choose the desired channel by rotate right/left switch
The LED lights green on receiving. In case the signal
doesn’t match the sub–tone the green LED will blink.
6. Monitor:
Press to monitor. Pressing the monitor button for more
than 2 seconds will cause continuous monitor condition.
To release the monitor mode, press and release the
monitor button quickly.
7. Transmit operation during scan
. If the radio is programmed in PTT channel at
scanning is home channel: TX will occur on the
channel the scan started.
. If the radio is programmed in PTT channel at
scanning is last busy channel: TX will occur on the last
busy channel
If the radio was initially programmed for this feature
pressing the PTT will cause a DTMF code to be send
that can identify the sending radio.
9. 2/5 Tone Decode (Selcall)
During initial radio programming by the technician this radio