C o m m i ssion ing M anu al
E st ab l i sh i n g B S R - S P R L i n k w i t h Au t o C o n n ect
8.2.2. Task 1: Add AutoConnect SPRs
Before powering on the SPR devices, you need to add SPR indexes defined for
AutoConnect, for the BSR in WipManage’s BSR Zoom window. When you add
these SPR indexes, you assign temporary IP addresses, which the BSR temporarily
assigns the connected SPR for communication and configuration.
The SPR devices should only AutoConnect to BSRs that are in the same network
and that provide SPR indexes configured for AutoConnect.
For clarity, in our example, we will define AutoConnect SPR icons for BSR with IP
Ensure the WipManage PC IP address is defined in WipManage’s BSR
Managers Table.
Airspan Networks Inc.