C o m m i ssion ing M anu al
E st ab l i sh i n g B S R - S P R L i n k w i t h Au t o C o n n ect
WipManage searches in the ASWipLL database for the BSR to which the SPR is
assigned. However, because the SPR is not listed in the database, the
management system allows the SPR to continue its link with the BSR.
The SPR continuously sends Config Request traps (up to 10) to the management
station until the management station acknowledges these traps. Once the
management station acknowledges these traps, the AutoConnect process ends.
The BSR-SPR link is sustained until the SPR is turned off.
When the SPR is turned on again, the SPR undergoes the AutoConnect process
once again, connecting to the BSR with the strongest RF signal.
8.1.2. Redirecting SPRs to Specific BSRs
Unconfigured and newly installed SPRs that appear in the ASWipLL management
database are redirected to a BSR as defined in the database. Figure 8-2 and Figure
8-3 display the AutoConnect process where the SPR is redirected to a different BSR
BSR #2
8-2: AutoConnect before Redirecting SPR to a different BSR
Airspan Networks Inc.