Options Menu
This menu is used to control and set the various operational configurations. Included
are filter settings, buffer sizes, and capture mode.
Clear View on Start Capture
This option determines whether or not you want the screen to append new captured
data to existing information or if you want the screen to clear before listing any new
packets. If selected, your screen will clear, which could erase information you wanted to
review. This option was included to let you make the decision if you wanted the old data
erased or not. It is set by default to clear the screen at the start of each capture session.
Promiscuous Mode
A sniffer can operate in two different modes: promiscuous or non-promiscuous (see
the previous overview of promiscuous mode for more information about this mode).
Typically, you will want to operate in promiscuous mode, which is selected by default.
However, if your WNIC doesn't support promiscuous mode, or if you are only concerned
with the data traveling to and from your device, you can select this option to only capture