: The arrow on the flange of the housing must point forward toward the
bow area.
The bottom of the insert must be flush with the bottom of the housing
for the sensor to work properly. Note that the four electrodes will protrude into the
1. The sensor must be aligned within 1° of parallel to the centerline/keel of the boat.
At the center of the hole, snap a chalk line parallel to the keel/centerline (Figure 6).
2. From outside the hull, push the housing into the mounting hole using a twisting
motion to squeeze out excess sealant.
Align the arrow on the flange of the
housing pointing forward toward the bow area.
Be sure the arrow is aligned
PARALLEL to the centerline/keel of the boat.
Figure 6. Arrow on the flange of the housing
Copyright © 2017 Airmar Technology Corp
faces forward and parallel to keel
keel/centerline of boat
chalk line