AirLive WH-5000A User’s Manual
WH-5000A Serials User Guide
5.5 Point-to-Point Bridge Setup Guide
A point-to-point link is a direct connection between tow, and only two, locations or nodes.
For the two bridges that are to be linked to communicate properly, they have to be set up with compatible
commands in setup screens. Below is the list
Channel number:
The bridges must have the same channel number.
The channel number doesn’t be same as using for AP.
Wireless Mode:
Choose 802.11g for high data rate
Choose 802.11b for high transmit distance
Spanning Tree Protocol (802.1d):
Enable, if there is any possibility of a bridging loop, or
Disable, if there is no possibility of bridging loop to gain higher efficient
Bridge signal strength LED port:
Set up the SS LED map to which remote bridge
Entering remote bridge’s MAC address at the BSSID field of “Add remote AP’s BSSID/Note”
section. Although it is option item, entering a note that defines the location of the remote bridge
may be helpful for your management lots of remote bridges. After you key in BSSID and Note,
clock the “Add” to list this item at “Remote AP’s MAC Address” section.
Setting Encryption type: Off or Static AES Key
Each bridge must have the same encryption type. And if using Static AES Key, the key of each
bridge must be the same.
to accept your changes
The following Table describes the basic attributes for the network topology illustrate at above picture.