22. Does Airfree need fi lter replacement?
23. Does Airfree consume a lot of energy?
No. Airfree’s consumption is just 45 Watts for E60.
24. Where do the microorganisms go after they are incinerated?
As all living organisms, microrganisms and their products are basically composed
by carbon, oxigen and nitrogen. Since Airfree reachs nearly 200ºC, all the compo-
nents are supposed to suffer a combustion process, which liberates carbone di-
oxide (the same product released by our respiration) and water. Some carbon (or
ashes) may remain in the process.
If there is some residual allergen left, we might consider that they suffer denatur-
ation, a process involving lost of conformation and function.
It should be noted that we are talking about reactions that occur in a microscopic
level, so all these processes or by-products won’t be perceived. In this case, there
is no need to worry about maintanance.
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