Airflow Vector Pty Ltd
4 Collins Rd, DROMANA VIC. 3936
Ph: +61 3 5987 3733
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21 March 2011
SD009US (S009 Instructions booklet).doc
Note: This Snorkel is fitted with a second “A” pillar location to be installed
if one intends to use the Collector Pre-Cleaner instead of the Air Ram. If
required, please contact us to obtain the Bolt Kit SK233
3.51 Centre punch the 2 holes
3.52 Pre-drill at 5/32” the two
3.53 Drill the two holes for the “A”
pillar position at 9/32”
3.54 File the holes with a square
file to suit nylon plugs SP026
3.55 Paint the two holes with Zinc
rich primer
3.56 Once the paint is dry, fit the
two square plugs SP026
3.57 Temporarily refit the
windscreen lining strip
3.58 Refit the snorkel with the “A”
pillar bracket and mark the
location of the bracket on the
lining strip