This menu is preset at the factory to meet O.S.H.A. face velocity
standards while in AUTOMATIC mode. From this screen you can:
• Turn the blower on/off.
• Switch from automatic to manual blower speed based on the application.
• Change the output of the blower.
This menu allows the operator to turn the timer on/off and to program an
appropriate event time. Once the operator has programmed the desired time,
the Timer can be activated by touching the Timer Quick Key on the front of the
The operator can change displayed time and date.
All alarm points for face velocity, HEPA filter and gas detection have
been preset by the manufacturer and should not be altered.
Allows the operator to turn the low airflow, HEPA, and gas alarms on/off
in this screen. This controls both the audible and the visible alarms. If the
operator turns off the alarm in this screen, nothing (audible or visible) will alert
you if the airflow is below the selected face velocity, the HEPA filter is clogged,
or the bonded carbon filter fails.
The operator can deactivate the audible alarm, when it sounds, by
touching the alarm button on the controller. The visible alarm will still work.
This menu shows the serial number and the purchase date of the filter. For
every new filter installed, a new filter serial number must be entered. Refer to
the “MAINTENANCE” section for complete instructions. The first filter serial
number has already been entered for you prior to shipment.
– Displays the hours and minutes that the blower has been active.
– (for carbon enclosures only) A solid state hydrocarbon detector warns
the user of filter breakthrough. Alarms are audible and visible.
• Keep the right hand side of the unit away from the wall and
turbulent places. Never install enclosures near doorways or high-traffic areas.
• To avoid confusion, each alarm has a distinctive sound and will flash what
the problem is on the display screen.
• A few minutes are needed for the airflow sensor to warm up, stabilize, and
settle at the correct airflow speed.
• Unless the operator turns the blower off (by Quick key or in the blower menu)
before turning the power off, the blower will automatically come on each time
the operator activates the unit.
• Anything the operator changes within the program is automatically saved.
• Allow each enclosure to run five minutes, before use, to stabilize
the environment.