(Vers. 10.26.2017)
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Series (E) Refractory Walled Air Curtain Burner (Electric Motor & VFD)
Default Shut
down of VFD and Motor / VFD Wiring (Continued)
The external power lead of proper gauge must be connected to the power distribu-
tion block in the upper left corner (see right photo; (VFD model and connection
block may vary).
The unit is shipped without a NEMA
housing cutout for the external power
lead feedthrough. It has to be posi-
tioned and provided by the local li-
censed electrician.
A main breaker or fuse switch (not
supplied) must be installed externally
per local code.
Ensure proper grounding of the unit
per local code and connect a ground-
ing rod to the grounding lug on the I
beam located on the left side below
the main air curtain fan.
Grounding Lug
View inside the NEMA IV box (door open)
Components shown may vary.
All electrical connections and installations must
be made by a licensed local electrician according to respec-
tive codes and regulations by the competent authorities.